/* * glut_font.c * * Adapted from the FreeGLUT library by Hans de Ruiter. * The FreeGLUT license holds for this file. * * Bitmap and stroke fonts displaying. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Pawel W. Olszta. All Rights Reserved. * Written by Pawel W. Olszta, * Creation date: Thu Dec 16 1999 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * PAWEL W. OLSZTA BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "glut_internal.h" #ifdef MGL_TABOR #define glVertex2f(x,y) {float vec[4]={x,y,0.0f,1.0f}; CC->GLVertex4fv(vec);} #define glTranslate2f(x,y) {float vec[3]={x,y,0.0f}; CC->GLTranslatefv(vec);} #else #define glVertex2f(x,y) CC->GLVertex4f(x,y, 0.0f, 1.0f) #define glTranslate2f(x,y) CC->GLTranslatef(x,y,0.0f) #endif /* * TODO BEFORE THE STABLE RELEASE: * * Test things out ... */ /* -- IMPORT DECLARATIONS -------------------------------------------------- */ /* * These are the font faces defined in freeglut_font_data.c file: */ extern SFG_Font fgFontFixed8x13; extern SFG_Font fgFontFixed9x15; extern SFG_Font fgFontHelvetica10; extern SFG_Font fgFontHelvetica12; extern SFG_Font fgFontHelvetica18; extern SFG_Font fgFontTimesRoman10; extern SFG_Font fgFontTimesRoman24; extern SFG_StrokeFont fgStrokeRoman; extern SFG_StrokeFont fgStrokeMonoRoman; /* -- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Matches a font ID with a SFG_Font structure pointer. * This was changed to match the GLUT header style. */ static SFG_Font* fghFontByID(void* font) { if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13) { return &fgFontFixed8x13; } if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15) { return &fgFontFixed9x15; } if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10) { return &fgFontHelvetica10; } if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12) { return &fgFontHelvetica12; } if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18) { return &fgFontHelvetica18; } if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10) { return &fgFontTimesRoman10; } if (font == GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24) { return &fgFontTimesRoman24; } dprintf("font 0x%08x not found", font); return 0; } /* * Matches a font ID with a SFG_StrokeFont structure pointer. * This was changed to match the GLUT header style. */ static SFG_StrokeFont* fghStrokeByID( void* font ) { if (font == GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN) { return &fgStrokeRoman; } if (font == GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN) { return &fgStrokeMonoRoman; } dprintf( "stroke font 0x%08x not found", font ); return 0; } /* -- INTERFACE FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Draw a bitmap character */ void glut_GLUTBitmapCharacter(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, int character ) { GLUTcontext ctx = (GLUTcontext)GET_INSTANCE(Self); struct GLContextIFace *CC = ctx->__glutContext; const GLubyte* face; SFG_Font* font; FREEGLUT_EXIT_IF_NOT_INITIALISED_NR ( "glutBitmapCharacter" ); font = fghFontByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_if_fail( ( character >= 1 )&&( character < 256 ) ); freeglut_return_if_fail( font ); /* * Find the character we want to draw (???) */ face = font->Characters[ character ]; CC->GLPushClientAttrib( GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, GL_FALSE ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, GL_FALSE ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0 ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0 ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); CC->GLBitmap( face[ 0 ], font->Height, /* The bitmap's width and height */ font->xorig, font->yorig, /* The origin in the font glyph */ ( float )( face[ 0 ]), 0.0, /* The raster advance -- inc. x,y */ ( face + 1 ) /* The packed bitmap data... */ ); CC->GLPopClientAttrib( ); } void glut_GLUTBitmapString(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, const unsigned char *string ) { GLUTcontext ctx = (GLUTcontext)GET_INSTANCE(Self); struct GLContextIFace *CC = ctx->__glutContext; unsigned char c; float x = 0.0f ; SFG_Font* font; FREEGLUT_EXIT_IF_NOT_INITIALISED_NR ( "glutBitmapString" ); font = fghFontByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_if_fail( font ); if ( !string || ! *string ) { return; } CC->GLPushClientAttrib( GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, GL_FALSE ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, GL_FALSE ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0 ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0 ); CC->GLPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); /* * Step through the string, drawing each character. * A newline will simply translate the next character's insertion * point back to the start of the line and down one line. */ while( ( c = *string++) ) { if( c == '\n' ) { CC->GLBitmap ( 0, 0, 0, 0, -x, (float) -font->Height, NULL ); x = 0.0f; } else { /* Not an EOL, draw the bitmap character */ const GLubyte* face = font->Characters[ c ]; CC->GLBitmap( face[ 0 ], font->Height, /* Bitmap's width and height */ font->xorig, font->yorig, /* The origin in the font glyph */ ( float )( face[ 0 ] ), 0.0, /* The raster advance; inc. x,y */ ( face + 1 ) /* The packed bitmap data... */ ); x += ( float )( face[ 0 ] ); } } CC->GLPopClientAttrib( ); } /* * Returns the width in pixels of a font's character */ int glut_GLUTBitmapWidth(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, int character ) { SFG_Font* font; font = fghFontByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail( character > 0 && character < 256, 0 ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail( font, 0 ); return *( font->Characters[ character ] ); } /* * Return the width of a string drawn using a bitmap font */ int glut_GLUTBitmapLength(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, const unsigned char* string ) { unsigned char c; int length = 0, this_line_length = 0; SFG_Font* font; font = fghFontByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail( font, 0 ); if (!string || ! *string) { return 0; } while (( c = *string++)) { if ( c != '\n' ) { /* Not an EOL, increment length of line */ this_line_length += *( font->Characters[ c ]); } else { /* EOL; reset the length of this line */ if (length < this_line_length) { length = this_line_length; } this_line_length = 0; } } if (length < this_line_length) { length = this_line_length; } return length; } /* * Returns the height of a bitmap font */ int glut_GLUTBitmapHeight(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID ) { SFG_Font* font; font = fghFontByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail( font, 0 ); return font->Height; } /* * Draw a stroke character */ void glut_GLUTStrokeCharacter(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, int character ) { GLUTcontext ctx = (GLUTcontext)GET_INSTANCE(Self); struct GLContextIFace *CC = ctx->__glutContext; const SFG_StrokeChar *schar; const SFG_StrokeStrip *strip; int i, j; SFG_StrokeFont* font; FREEGLUT_EXIT_IF_NOT_INITIALISED_NR ( "glutStrokeCharacter" ); font = fghStrokeByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_if_fail( character >= 0 ); freeglut_return_if_fail( character < font->Quantity ); freeglut_return_if_fail( font ); schar = font->Characters[ character ]; freeglut_return_if_fail( schar ); strip = schar->Strips; for( i = 0; i < schar->Number; i++, strip++ ) { CC->GLBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP ); for( j = 0; j < strip->Number; j++ ) { glVertex2f( strip->Vertices[ j ].X, strip->Vertices[ j ].Y); } CC->GLEnd( ); } glTranslate2f( schar->Right, 0.0f); } void glut_GLUTStrokeString(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, const unsigned char *string ) { GLUTcontext ctx = (GLUTcontext)GET_INSTANCE(Self); struct GLContextIFace *CC = ctx->__glutContext; unsigned char c; int i, j; float length = 0.0; SFG_StrokeFont* font; FREEGLUT_EXIT_IF_NOT_INITIALISED_NR ( "glutStrokeString" ); font = fghStrokeByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_if_fail( font ); if (!string || ! *string) { return; } /* * Step through the string, drawing each character. * A newline will simply translate the next character's insertion * point back to the start of the line and down one line. */ while (( c = *string++)) { if (c < font->Quantity) { if( c == '\n' ) { glTranslate2f( -length, -( float )( font->Height )); length = 0.0; } else { /* Not an EOL, draw the bitmap character */ const SFG_StrokeChar *schar = font->Characters[ c ]; if (schar) { const SFG_StrokeStrip *strip = schar->Strips; for( i = 0; i < schar->Number; i++, strip++ ) { CC->GLBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP ); for( j = 0; j < strip->Number; j++ ) { glVertex2f( strip->Vertices[ j ].X, strip->Vertices[ j ].Y); } CC->GLEnd( ); } length += schar->Right; glTranslate2f( schar->Right, 0.0f); } } } } } /* * Return the width in pixels of a stroke character */ int glut_GLUTStrokeWidth(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, int character ) { const SFG_StrokeChar *schar; SFG_StrokeFont* font; font = fghStrokeByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail((character >= 0) && (character < font->Quantity), 0); freeglut_return_val_if_fail(font, 0 ); schar = font->Characters[character]; freeglut_return_val_if_fail(schar, 0); return (int)(schar->Right + 0.5); } /* * Return the width of a string drawn using a stroke font */ int glut_GLUTStrokeLength(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID, const unsigned char* string ) { unsigned char c; float length = 0.0; float this_line_length = 0.0; SFG_StrokeFont* font; font = fghStrokeByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail( font, 0 ); if (!string || ! *string) { return 0; } while( ( c = *string++) ) { if( c < font->Quantity ) { if( c == '\n' ) { /* EOL; reset the length of this line */ if (length < this_line_length) { length = this_line_length; } this_line_length = 0.0; } else { /* Not an EOL, increment the length of this line */ const SFG_StrokeChar *schar = font->Characters[ c ]; if (schar) { this_line_length += schar->Right; } } } } if (length < this_line_length) { length = this_line_length; } return (int)(length + 0.5); } /* * Returns the height of a stroke font */ GLfloat glut_GLUTStrokeHeight(struct GlutIFace *Self, void* fontID ) { SFG_StrokeFont* font; font = fghStrokeByID( fontID ); freeglut_return_val_if_fail( font, 0.0 ); return font->Height; } /*** END OF FILE ***/