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Update 2 for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition available for download

AmigaOS 4.1 Final EditionBrussels, December 23rd, 2020

Hyperion Entertainment is proud to announce the immediate release of update 2 for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition. Update 2 is by far the largest update ever released for AmigaOS and includes more than 200 updated components with hundreds of bug fixes, improvements and new features and six completely new OS components. The update is the combined effort of four years of AmigaOS development and will bring AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition to a completely new level of stability and usability.

The complete list of updated, improved and new components can be found in the changelog that also contains a list of the major bugs and issues that has been resolved. Some of the highlights of update 2 are.

  • New kernel (exec) version 54.28 with many bug-fixes and stability improvements
  • Improvements and bug-fixes in the graphics.library, workbench.library, dos.library, application.library, elf.library and many other essential libraries making them more robust, bug-free and future proof
  • Bug-fixes and improvements to the USB-stack
  • Many bug-fixes and improvements to console.device, ram-handler, appdir-handler and env-handler
  • Many bug-fixes in all reaction classes, datatypes and device drivers
  • New OS-components such as the append dos command, an OS4.1 version of DiskDoctor from Olaf Barthel, SataControl, appdir-handler, ssh2-handler
  • Many, many more bug-fixes, improvements and new features

Update 2 is free to registered users of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and can be found in the download area at https://www.hyperion-entertainment.com/.

This update is the result of the continuing effort of a dedicated group of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition developers and beta-testers. Thank you!

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition update 2 prerequisites

We strongly recommend that you install update 2 on top of a fresh install of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition update 1. If you decide to update your existing installation you should back it up beforehand!

Operating System: Installed AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1 Hardware

Compatibility: AmigaOne XE & SE, MicroA1, AmigaOne 500, AmigaOne X1000, AmigaOne X5000, Sam440, Sam460, Pegasos 2, Amiga Classic PPC.


CHRISTMAS SALE: Price cuts on games!

Brussels, December 7th, 2020

2020 has been a tough year and we all need a little entertainment in the dark months ahead! Therefore, we have decided to give the Amiga community an early Christmas present and massively reduced the price of
our three available games.

We have reduced the prices for both the digital versions on our website and the suggested retail price we recommend to our dealers for the physical copies.

The prices have been reduced to:

Gorky 17: Suggested retail price inc. VAT - EUR 14.95 (reduced from 19.95)
Decent Freespace: Suggested retail price inc. VAT: EUR 9.95 (reduced from 12.95)
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (ONLY DIGITAL): Price inc. VAT: 9.95 (reduced from 14.95)

Happy gaming and merry Christmas!

For more information contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) Release Notes and Locale Extras available

Brussels, May 17th, 2020

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) Release Notes and the Locale Extras 45.315.

AmigaOS 3.1.4 was released on 30th September 2018, its free update was released on the 8th July 2019. Since then, we have received numerous requests from users asking us to unveil the technical developer notes, also known as "Release Notes", regarding the changes involved in those AmigaOS updates.

Thanks to the efforts of the Localization team, we are happy to provide the Locale Extras 45.315 which includes localization materials for greek, polish and russian languages that require additional system setup to work.

At Hyperion, we felt we should do no less but honor our customers' pleas by making these packages available to let them gain a more in depth overview of the magnitude of changes and the amount of hard work done by the AmigaOS 3.1.4 development team that went into those releases. And as an added bonus, enable further AmigaOS support for our customers in their native languages.

We would like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude for the continued interest received regarding our AmigaOS 68k product line, which encourages us to fulfill our commitment to deliver even more exciting products which we will be proud to announce in the near future.

AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) Release Notes are available for free from our download area for any interested party. The Locale Extras 45.315 is available to registered customers.

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA wants to send kudos to the entire Amiga commmunity for making AmigaOS the success it is. Thanks guys!


Shogo: Mobile Armored Devision version 1.9 for AmigaOS 4.1

Shogo: MADBrussels, July 10, 2019

Thanks to the ongoing commitment of Frank Menzel to improve your gaming experience, a new version 1.9 of Shogo: Mobile Armor Division for AmigaOS 4.1 is now available from our restricted download section for registered customers. New customers automatically get the new version when downloading the full game archive for the first time. Existing customers with installed version 1.6 can download the pure update archive to bring their installed version up to 1.9 without the need of downloading the full archive again.

Changelog v1.6 to v1.9:

  • Added: Screenshots can now be taken with the F8 key. (PNG, if installed png.datatype supports saving, otherwise IFF)
  • Added: The Shogo Launcher and Multiplayer GUI has now catalog support
  • Added: Shogo, the launcher and the guide are now translated to German and Italian. (Thanks to Helmut Haake and Samir Hawamdeh for their work)
  • Added: The screenblanker is now deactivated while the game is running
  • Added: Intro with much better quality
  • Fixed: Minor bugfixes in the Shogo launcher and the game itself

Full acquisition of ReAction GUI toolkit

ReAction logoBrussels, May 14, 2019

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announce that it has acquired full ownership of ReAction.

ReAction is the official AmigaOS GUI system since it was incorporated into AmigaOS 3.5 in 1999. With the release of AmigaOS 4 and newer it has been improved, bug-fixed and a more consistent and uniform look was created as is apparent from the various applications that make use of it. Hyperion Entertainment and the AmigaOS development team would like to thank the original developers for creating ReAction and providing the opportunity to roll out ReAction on all versions of AmigaOS.

Stay tuned for more news regarding ReAction in the near future!


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