/* * $Id$ * * $Date$ * $Revision$ * * (C) 1999 by Hyperion * All rights reserved * * This file is part of the MiniGL library project * See the file Licence.txt for more details * */ #include #include #include "sysinc.h" #include "mgl/minigl.h" #define VEC_NORM(v) \ { \ GLfloat recM = fast_reciprocal_sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]); \ v[0] *= recM; \ v[1] *= recM; \ v[2] *= recM; \ } #define VEC_CROSS(v, a, b) \ v[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]; \ v[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2]; \ v[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]; #define VEC_SUB(v, a, b) \ v[0] = a[0] - b[0]; \ v[1] = a[1] - b[1]; \ v[2] = a[2] - b[2]; #define VEC_ADD(v, a, b) \ v[0] = a[0] + b[0]; \ v[1] = a[1] + b[1]; \ v[2] = a[2] + b[2]; #define VEC_PRINT(v) \ printf("<%f, %f, %f>\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]); INLINE GLboolean mInvertMatrix(const GLdouble *matrixIn, GLdouble *matrixOut); INLINE void mMatMultGeneral(const GLdouble *pA, const GLdouble *pB, GLdouble *pC); static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id$ "; const GLubyte * GLUErrorString(GLenum err) { switch(err) { case GL_NO_ERROR: return (const GLubyte * )"no error"; case GL_INVALID_ENUM: return (const GLubyte * )"invalid enum"; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: return (const GLubyte * )"invalid value"; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: return (const GLubyte * )"invalid operation"; case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: return (const GLubyte * )"stack overflow"; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: return (const GLubyte * )"stack underflow"; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return (const GLubyte * )"out of memory"; default: return (const GLubyte * )"unknown error"; } } void GLULookAt(GLfloat ex, GLfloat ey, GLfloat ez, GLfloat cx, GLfloat cy, GLfloat cz, GLfloat ux, GLfloat uy, GLfloat uz) { GLfloat u[3], v[3], w[3]; GLfloat m[16]; w[0] = ex - cx; w[1] = ey - cy; w[2] = ez - cz; v[0] = ux; v[1] = uy; v[2] = uz; VEC_NORM(w); VEC_CROSS(u, v, w); VEC_CROSS(v, w, u); VEC_NORM(u); VEC_NORM(v); m[ 0] = u[0]; m[ 1] = v[0]; m[ 2] = w[0]; m[ 3] = 0.0; m[ 4] = u[1]; m[ 5] = v[1]; m[ 6] = w[1]; m[ 7] = 0.0; m[ 8] = u[2]; m[ 9] = v[2]; m[10] = w[2]; m[11] = 0.0; m[12] = 0.0; m[13] = 0.0; m[14] = 0.0; m[15] = 1.0; glMultMatrixf(m); glTranslatef(-ex, -ey, -ez); } void GLUPerspective(GLfloat fovy, GLfloat aspect, GLfloat znear, GLfloat zfar) { GLfloat xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; ymax = znear * tan(fovy * 0.008726646); ymin = -ymax; xmin = ymin * aspect; xmax = ymax * aspect; glFrustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, znear, zfar); } void GLUOrtho2D(GLcontext context, GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top) { glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, -1, 1); } GLint GLUBuild2DMipmaps(GLcontext ctx, GLenum target, GLint components, GLint width, GLint height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *data) { dprintf("*** Implement me\n"); glTexImage2D(target, 0, components, width, height, 0, format, type, data); return 0; } GLint GLUProject(GLcontext ctx, GLdouble objX, GLdouble objY, GLdouble objZ, const GLdouble *model, const GLdouble *proj, const GLint *view, GLdouble* winX, GLdouble* winY, GLdouble* winZ) { GLdouble fullMatrix[16], objT[3]; mMatMultGeneral(proj, model, fullMatrix); #define a(x) (fullMatrix[OF_##x]) objT[0] = a(11)*objX + a(12)*objY + a(13)*objZ + a(14); objT[1] = a(21)*objX + a(22)*objY + a(23)*objZ + a(24); objT[2] = a(31)*objX + a(32)*objY + a(33)*objZ + a(34); *winX = view[0] + view[2] * (objT[0] + 1) / 2; *winY = view[1] + view[3] * (objT[1] + 1) / 2; *winZ = (objT[2] + 1) / 2; #undef a return GL_TRUE; } GLint GLUUnProject(GLcontext ctx, GLdouble winX, GLdouble winY, GLdouble winZ, const GLdouble *model, const GLdouble *proj, const GLint *view, GLdouble* objX, GLdouble* objY, GLdouble* objZ) { GLdouble fullMatrix[16], inverseMatrix[16], winT[3]; mMatMultGeneral(proj, model, fullMatrix); if(mInvertMatrix(fullMatrix, inverseMatrix) == GL_FALSE) { return GL_FALSE; } if(view[2] == 0 || view[3] == 0) { return GL_FALSE; } winT[0] = 2 * (winX - view[0]) / view[2] - 1; winT[1] = 2 * (winY - view[1]) / view[3] - 1; winT[2] = 2 * winZ - 1; #define a(x) (inverseMatrix[OF_##x]) *objX = a(11)*winT[0] + a(12)*winT[1] + a(13)*winT[2] + a(14); *objY = a(21)*winT[0] + a(22)*winT[1] + a(23)*winT[2] + a(24); *objZ = a(31)*winT[0] + a(32)*winT[1] + a(33)*winT[2] + a(34); #undef a return GL_TRUE; } void GLUPickMatrix(GLcontext ctx, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble delX, GLdouble delY, GLint *viewport) { GLfloat scaleX, scaleY; GLfloat translateX, translateY; GLfloat m[16]; // Need to scale and move the viewport to the specified region scaleX = viewport[2] / delX; scaleY = viewport[3] / delY; translateX = scaleX + (viewport[0] - x) * 2.0 / delX; translateY = scaleY + (viewport[1] - y) * 2.0 / delY; m[OF_11] = scaleX; m[OF_12] = 0.0; m[OF_13] = 0.0; m[OF_14] = translateX; m[OF_21] = 0.0; m[OF_22] = scaleY; m[OF_23] = 0.0; m[OF_24] = translateY; m[OF_31] = 0.0; m[OF_32] = 0.0; m[OF_33] = 1.0; m[OF_34] = 0.0; m[OF_41] = 0.0; m[OF_42] = 0.0; m[OF_43] = 0.0; m[OF_44] = 1.0; glMultMatrixf(m); } // ---- Matrix functions ---- Required for gluProject()/gluUnProject /* * Compute determinant of 3x3 matrix resulting from pA dropping * column i and line j * (Adapted from the Matrix and Quaternion FAQ, at * http://skal.planet-d.net/demo/matrixfaq.htm) */ INLINE GLdouble mDeterminant3(const GLdouble *pA, int i, int j) { GLdouble a[9]; int di, dj, si, sj; for (di = 0; di < 3; di++) { for (dj = 0; dj < 3; dj++) { si = di + ((di >= i) ? 1 : 0); sj = dj + ((dj >= j) ? 1 : 0); a[di * 3 + dj] = pA[sj * 4 + si]; // really ? } } return a[0] * ( a[4] * a[8] - a[7] * a[5]) - a[1] * ( a[3] * a[8] - a[6] * a[5]) + a[2] * ( a[3] * a[7] - a[6] * a[4]); } INLINE void mLoadIdentity(GLdouble *pA) { #define a(x) pA[OF_##x] = 0.f; #define b(x) pA[OF_##x] = 1.f; b(11); a(21); a(31); a(41); a(12); b(22); a(32); a(42); a(13); a(23); b(33); a(43); a(14); a(24); a(34); b(44); #undef a #undef b } INLINE GLdouble mDeterminant4(const GLdouble *pA) { GLdouble res = 0.0, i = 1; int n; for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) { res += mDeterminant3(pA, 0, n) * i; i *= -1.0; } return res; } INLINE GLboolean mInvertMatrix(const GLdouble *matrixIn, GLdouble *matrixOut) { int i, j, sign; GLdouble mdet = mDeterminant4(matrixIn); if (fast_fabs(mdet) < 0.5e-9) { return GL_FALSE; } else { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { sign = 1 - ((i + j) % 2) * 2; matrixOut[i*4+j] = (mDeterminant3(matrixIn, i, j) * (GLdouble)sign) / mdet; } } } return GL_TRUE; } /* ** General case: Matrix multiply ** Multiply matrix A by float field, storing the result in matrix C */ INLINE void mMatMultGeneral(const GLdouble *pA, const GLdouble *pB, GLdouble *pC) { #define a(x) (pA[OF_##x]) #define b(x) (pB[OF_##x]) #define c(x) (pC[OF_##x]) GLdouble a11 = a(11), b11 = b(11); GLdouble a12 = a(12), b12 = b(12); GLdouble a13 = a(13), b13 = b(13); GLdouble a14 = a(14), b14 = b(14); GLdouble a21 = a(21), b21 = b(21); GLdouble a22 = a(22), b22 = b(22); GLdouble a23 = a(23), b23 = b(23); GLdouble a24 = a(24), b24 = b(24); GLdouble a31 = a(31), b31 = b(31); GLdouble a32 = a(32), b32 = b(32); GLdouble a33 = a(33), b33 = b(33); GLdouble a34 = a(34), b34 = b(34); GLdouble a41 = a(41), b41 = b(41); GLdouble a42 = a(42), b42 = b(42); GLdouble a43 = a(43), b43 = b(43); GLdouble a44 = a(44), b44 = b(44); c(11) = a11*b11 + a12*b21 + a13*b31 + a14*b41; c(12) = a11*b12 + a12*b22 + a13*b32 + a14*b42; c(13) = a11*b13 + a12*b23 + a13*b33 + a14*b43; c(14) = a11*b14 + a12*b24 + a13*b34 + a14*b44; c(21) = a21*b11 + a22*b21 + a23*b31 + a24*b41; c(22) = a21*b12 + a22*b22 + a23*b32 + a24*b42; c(23) = a21*b13 + a22*b23 + a23*b33 + a24*b43; c(24) = a21*b14 + a22*b24 + a23*b34 + a24*b44; c(31) = a31*b11 + a32*b21 + a33*b31 + a34*b41; c(32) = a31*b12 + a32*b22 + a33*b32 + a34*b42; c(33) = a31*b13 + a32*b23 + a33*b33 + a34*b43; c(34) = a31*b14 + a32*b24 + a33*b34 + a34*b44; c(41) = a41*b11 + a42*b21 + a43*b31 + a44*b41; c(42) = a41*b12 + a42*b22 + a43*b32 + a44*b42; c(43) = a41*b13 + a42*b23 + a43*b33 + a44*b43; c(44) = a41*b14 + a42*b24 + a43*b34 + a44*b44; #undef a #undef b #undef c }