#include "sysinc.h" #include "mgl/gl.h" #include #include "minigl.library_rev.h" #include #include "minigl_vectors.c" extern void MGLTerm(void); extern GLboolean MGLInit(void); APTR segList = 0; struct Interface *INewlib; struct Library * libOpen(struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self, ULONG version) { struct Library *libBase = Self->Data.LibBase; dprintf("In libOpen\n"); /* Add up the open count */ libBase->lib_OpenCnt++; /* Clear pending expunge */ libBase->lib_Flags &= ~LIBF_DELEXP; return libBase; } APTR libExpunge(struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self) { struct Library *libBase = Self->Data.LibBase; struct Library *newlibBase = INewlib->Data.LibBase; dprintf("In libExpunge\n"); /* Check if we're still open */ if (libBase->lib_OpenCnt) { /* We are, delay the expunge */ libBase->lib_Flags |= LIBF_DELEXP; return 0; } MGLTerm(); IExec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)IDOS); IExec->CloseLibrary(DOSBase); IExec->DropInterface(INewlib); IExec->CloseLibrary(newlibBase); /* No one uses us, so really expunge. Start by removing us from the library list */ IExec->Remove((struct Node *)libBase); /* Delete ourselves */ IExec->DeleteLibrary(libBase); IExec->Release(); /* Finally, return the handle so whoever loaded us into memory can get rid of us */ return segList; } APTR libClose(struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self) { struct Library *libBase = Self->Data.LibBase; dprintf("In libClose\n"); /* Make the close count */ libBase->lib_OpenCnt--; /* If we're still open, do nothing */ if (libBase->lib_OpenCnt > 0) return 0; /* Otherwise, if an expunge is pending, execute it now */ if (libBase->lib_Flags & LIBF_DELEXP) { return libExpunge(Self); } return 0; } struct Library * libInit(struct Library *libBase, APTR seglist, struct Interface *exec) { struct Library *newlibBase; /* Initialize the library base */ dprintf("Initializing library base %p, IExec = %p\n", libBase, exec); libBase->lib_Revision = (int)REVISION; dprintf("revision\n", REVISION); segList = seglist; IExec = (struct ExecIFace *)exec; SysBase = IExec->Data.LibBase; newlibBase = IExec->OpenLibrary("newlib.library", 52); if (!newlibBase) { IExec->Alert(AT_Recovery | AG_OpenLib);// ##### FIXME! ##### | AO_NewlibLib ); return NULL; } INewlib = IExec->GetInterface(newlibBase, "main", 1, NULL); if (!INewlib) { IExec->CloseLibrary(newlibBase); IExec->Alert(AT_Recovery | AG_OpenLib);// ##### FIXME! ##### | AO_NewlibLib ); return NULL; } DOSBase = IExec->OpenLibrary("dos.library", 0); IDOS = (struct DOSIFace *)IExec->GetInterface(DOSBase, "main", 1, NULL); if (MGLInit() == GL_FALSE) { dprintf("Error during MGLInit()\n"); IExec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)IDOS); IExec->CloseLibrary(DOSBase); return 0; } dprintf("Done\n"); /* Return libBase here to indicate success, or 0 if something failed */ return libBase; } uint32 defaultObtain(struct Interface *Self) { dprintf("In defaultObtain\n"); return ++Self->Data.RefCount; } uint32 defaultRelease(struct Interface *Self) { dprintf("In defaultRelease\n"); return --Self->Data.RefCount; } uint32 mgl_Obtain(struct MiniGLIFace *Self) { dprintf("In mgl_Obtain\n"); return ++Self->Data.RefCount; } uint32 mgl_Release(struct MiniGLIFace *Self) { dprintf("In mgl_Release\n"); return --Self->Data.RefCount; } uint32 cgl_Obtain(struct GLContextIFace *Self) { dprintf("In cgl_Obtain\n"); return ++Self->Data.RefCount; } uint32 cgl_Release(struct GLContextIFace *Self) { dprintf("In cgl_Release\n"); return --Self->Data.RefCount; } /* Manager interface vectors */ void *manager_vectors[] = { (void *)defaultObtain, (void *)defaultRelease, (void *)0, (void *)0, (void *)libOpen, (void *)libClose, (void *)libExpunge, (void *)0, (void *)-1, }; /* "__library" interface tag list */ struct TagItem managerTags[] = { {MIT_Name, (ULONG)"__library"}, {MIT_VectorTable, (ULONG)manager_vectors}, {MIT_Version, 1}, {TAG_DONE, 0} }; struct TagItem mainTags[] = { {MIT_Name, (ULONG)"main"}, {MIT_VectorTable, (ULONG)main_vectors}, {MIT_Version, 1}, {TAG_DONE, 0} }; uint32 libInterfaces[] = { (uint32)managerTags, (uint32)mainTags, 0 }; struct TagItem libCreateTags[] = { {CLT_DataSize, (uint32)sizeof(struct Library)}, {CLT_InitFunc, (uint32)libInit}, {CLT_Interfaces, (uint32)libInterfaces}, {TAG_DONE, 0}, }; struct Resident minigl_res __attribute__((used)) = { RTC_MATCHWORD, &minigl_res, &minigl_res+1, RTF_AUTOINIT|RTF_NATIVE|RTF_COLDSTART, (int)VERSION, NT_LIBRARY, 0, (char *)"minigl.library", (char *)VSTRING, libCreateTags }; void _start(void) { }