Hyperion Entertainment

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Hyperion Entertainment

Announcing AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition, Update 1

AmigaOS 4.1 Final EditionBrussels, December 31, 2016

Hyperion Entertainment is proud to announce the immediate release of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1 for all supported systems including PowerPC equipped 68K Amiga machines. Building on the existing AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition platform, Update 1 is the culmination of many man-months of work by our dedicated team of AmigaOS developers, translators and beta testers. It delivers a selection of new features and a host of bug fixes and best of all, it is available as a free digital download, from the restricted download area of the Hyperion Entertainment website and via AmiUpdate, for all registered AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition customers. Details about all changes can be found in the included AmigaGuide changelog document.


AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1 Prerequisites: 

Operating System: installed AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition**

Hardware Compatibility: AmigaOne XE & SE, MicroA1, AmigaOne 500, AmigaOne X1000, Sam440, Sam460, Pegasos 2, Amiga Classic PPC. The AmigaOne X5000 line of computers is already equipped with Update 1 and does therefore not need this update.

Price: Free to registered users of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition


**AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition can be purchased as CD boxed set from participating Amiga retailers



AmigaOS 3.2 Updated FAQ for all Classic Amigas available for download

AmigaOS 3.2 UPDATED FAQ for Classic Amigas available for immediate download for registered users

Brussels, June 4, 2021


As a service to our registered customers, the updated AmigaOS 3.2 FAQ covering all Classic Amigas (including Amiga CD 32 and Amiga CDTV) is available for registered customers in the download section of our website.

Please visit our website regularly to stay up to date about the release of future bonus content for AmigaOS 3.2 available to registered users of AmigaOS 3.2.

If you do not own a copy yet of the AmigaOS 3.2 CD-ROM, please contact your local dealer to order your copy!

Alternatively, you can wait until machine type specific versions of AmigaOS 3.2 will be offered as digital download once all orders for the AmigaOS 3.2 CD-ROM edition have been processed.

Your support will allow our development teams to accelerate AmigaOS development.

If you wish to support us further, please feel free to check out our AmigaOS merchandise section here.

Thank you to all our customers for your continued support throughout the years.

The Hyperion Management Team

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA obtains key victory in US Federal Court

Brussels  – April 2, 2023

Hyperion Entertainment is pleased to announce it obtained a sweeping victory in the US District Court of the Western District of Washington at Seattle in the litigation brought against Hyperion by Cloanto Corporation and the Amiga Parties (Amiga Inc., Itec, LLC and Amino Development Corporation).

The Court dismissed all of the remaining claims in this proceeding filed by Cloanto Corporation and the Amiga Parties against Hyperion Entertainment and found entirely in favor of Hyperion Entertainment by granting Hyperion's Motion for Summary Judgment as to all counts.

The instant case was initiated against Hyperion Entertainment on December 14, 2017 (!) when plaintiff Cloanto Corporation (later joined by the Amiga Parties) filed suit against Hyperion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York alleging Hyperion exceeded the rights granted to it by the 2009 Settlement Agreement thereby resulting in copyright and trademark infringement.

Hyperion Entertainment wishes to thank all of the AmigaOS 3.x and 4.x development teams as well as our beta-testers for continuing their work during the many years of litigation.

During these many years Hyperion Entertainment was always keen to bring this litigation to a negotiated outcome and still, to this day, remains of the belief that an amicable resolution between the parties bringing all remaining litigation to a close, would be in the interest of the Amiga Community as a whole.

A copy of the Court’s order of March 30, 2023 can be found here.


New AmigaOS 4.1 SDK 53.34 available now


Brussels, 25 December 2021

Hyperion Entertainment is very pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new and updated Software Developer Kit (SDK) for the latest version of AmigaOS 4.1. (i.e. after applying all the publicly released updates).

This new SDK replaces all older versions of the SDK as well as any updates thereof as everything is included such as (but not limited to):

  • ExecSG SDK 54.26 (10.12.2021)
  • AmiSSL 4.11 SDK
  • MUI-5.0-20210831 SDK
  • DOS SDK 54.117 (14.10.2021)
  • Updated header and documentation files (as of 22.11.2021).


Hyperion Entertainment wishes to extend its special thanks and appreciation to George Sokianos as well as the AmigaOS 4.x development team for making this happen.

Please note that at this time GCC and the other tools were not yet updated but are scheduled for release with a new version of the SDK in the course of 2022.

Hyperion Entertainment as well as the AmigaOS development teams and beta-testing teams wish you happy holidays in these dark times!

We will continue work on new releases of AmigaOS 3.x and AmigaOS 4.x in 2022!

If you want to support our efforts further, please head over to our AmigaOS merchandise store.



Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)

Brussels – August 05, 2024

Hyperion is excited to unveil a brand-new port of Heretic II (2024) developed by Steffen Häuser, tailored specifically for high-performance 68K Amiga systems.

About Heretic II

Heretic II is the highly acclaimed conceptual sequel to the Hexen and Heretic series by Raven Software ®. Heretic II relies on a modified version of the Quake IITM engine by Id Software and plays from a behind-the-back third-person perspective as in the Tomb Raider series but still controls a lot like a first-person shooter.


  • Quake II TM 3D Engine from Id Software ®
  • Software renderer and MiniGL renderer (MiniGL renderer can only be used when 3D HW drivers are available for PiStorm). The software renderer runs 25 fps on 640x480 on Pi CM4, 21 fps on Pi4, 19 fps lowres on Pi3. For Pi3 there are also 480x270 and 640x360 resolutions.
  • Atmospheric game music via Ogg Vorbis Replay
  • Localization (both text and audio output) in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish
  • Improved quality of the video intro/extro
  • Multiplayer support (Internet or LAN for up to 32 players)
  • Impressive enemy AI
  • Excellent player control (mouse, keyboard, joystick), optional PSXPort support
  • Expandable with new mission packs such as Quake
Technical requirements
  • AmigaOS ® 3.x
  • PiStorm (Pi3, Pi4 or CM4) or via emulation such as UAE
  • 64 MB RAM minimum, more recommended
  • Picasso96 with chunky 16 bit modes (no AGA)
  • AHI 4.18
  • mpega.library (game installer can install it)
  • 400 MB free hard disc space
This new version of Heretic II is available as of the 9th of August via our dealers.



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