Hyperion Entertainment

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Hyperion Entertainment

AmigaOS 3.1.4 for 68K Amigas released

Brussels, September 30, 2018

Workbench screen of AmigaOS 3.1.4 with new GlowIcons

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is highly pleased to announce the release of AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the biggest upgrade since the days of AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9.

The new, cleaned-up, polished Amiga operating system for your 68K machine fixes all the small annoyances that have piled up over the years. Originally intended as a bug-fix release, it also modernizes many system components previously upgraded in OS 3.9.

Contrary to its modest revision number, 3.1.4 is arguably as large an upgrade as OS 3.9 was, and surpasses it in stability and robustness. Over 320K of release notes cover almost every aspect of your favourite classic AmigaOS -- from bootmenu to datatypes.

AmigaOS 3.1.4 is available as immediate purchase from our direct download section as digital download and will be available shortly is also available as physical set of 3,5" floppy diskettes and machine specific ROM(s) from your Amiga dealer (download of digital version included after registering with supplied serial number).

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA wants to use this opportunity also to thank the great team of developers, testers, translators and other helpers for all their hard work during the recent months. Without them this release would not have been possible.


Update 9.10.2018

Martin 'Mason' Merz created a pack of over 900 additional GlowIcons in the new colourful AmigaOS 3.1.4 style. Available as free download from the restricted download area for all registered customers.

AmigaOS 3.1.4 IconPack

Update 10.10.2018

Bonus wallpapers for AmigaOS 3.1.4And another free bonus for all registered customers from our restricted download area just arrived! Shiny new wallpapers for your AmigaOS 3.1.4 created by Martin 'Mason' Merz, available in PNG and IFF formats and various sizes. Get them, while they are hot!


AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition now shipping!

Brussels, December 18, 2014

Hyperion Entertainment is thrilled to announce shipment of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition to dealers has been started. This means that the first customers will get their own copy of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition right before christmas, just in time to put it underneath the christmas tree.

Since the initial release of AmigaOS 4.1 more than six years ago, functionality and user experience have been steadily improved by six free major updates and over 88 free smaller ones through AmiUpdate. AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition defines the new baseline by consolidating all previous updates, bringing new long awaited features and stability improvements and last but not least enabling the user to make a clean installation in one go. Additionally it comes professionally produced as full version on physical media in a nice DVD box, together with a booklet containing installation instruction as well as a little extra for only EUR 29.95 suggested retail price (incl. VAT, may vary depending on your location).

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition is currently available for:

  • AmigaOne XE, SE and MicroA1
  • AmigaOne X1000
  • AmigaOne 500/Sam460
  • Sam440
  • Pegasos 2 
  • Amiga 1200/3000/4000
Customers can find a list of possible dealers at http://www.amigaos.net/content/4/where-buy.
Interested dealers can register themselves and order AmigaOS by writing to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Hyperion Entertainment and the whole team behind AmigaOS wish a merry christmas, happy new year and lots of fun with AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition!



Descent: Freespace available as digital download / update for AmigaOS 4.1

Descent: FreespaceBrussels, May 17, 2017

Hyperion Entertainment is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the space-combat simulation Descent: Freespace* for AmigaOS 68k/WarpOS and AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition from the direct downloads section of our website.
Customers can now choose between two formats of this amazing game:
  • a purely digital version at a price of only EUR 14.95 incl. VAT** for download in our restricted download area
  • or buy a boxed version*** at their preferred Amiga dealer. 
The downloadable content consists of an image of the original CD for AmigaOS 68k/WarpOS and an archived game drawer for AmigaOS 4.1 including all languages and manual.

Purchasers get a serial number inside their box or by email to register their purchase at our website in order to get access to our restricted download area for the game archive, the original ISO image as well as potential future updates. For a first look, free demo versions are available from the public download area.

The updated version for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition includes among others:
  • compatibility with Southern Islands based Radeon cards
  • new launcher with screenmode selection, language selection and other options
  • uses MiniGL texture compression if available
  • tons of game bugfixes including a fully playable tutorial
For existing customers of Descent: Freespace the updated AmigaOS 4.1 version is available free of charge after registering their genuine copy with their free Hyperion account on our website.
Addendum May 20, 2017: special thanks go to Szilárd Biró, Daniel Müßener and Frank Menzel, whose combined efforts made the update for AmigaOS 4.1 possible in the first place!
Descent: Freespace - The Great War is the highly acclaimed space-combat simulator from Volition/Interplay and offers an unparalleled mix of top-notch graphics for its time, plot and game-play. It is widely considered one of the best space-combat simulators ever and gained lots of kudos from all important game magazines. The game was originally released in 2001 for AmigaOS 68k/WarpOS and in December 2004 for AmigaOS 4 by Hyperion Entertainment CVBA.

 * also known as "Descent: Freespace - The Great War", "Conflict: Freespace - The Great War", "Freespace - The Great War"
 ** may very depending on your local taxes
 *** boxed version only includes AmigaOS 68k/WarpOS version, the AmigaOS 4.1 version is available for download after registration on our website


Attending Amsterdam

Brussels, June 24, 2015
Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is happy to confirm its presence at and sponsorship of the Amiga30 event in Amsterdam this upcoming Saturday (June 27, 2015).

At our booth we will show you some AmigaOS 4 hardware of the past and present, some of it you will most likely never have seen before. The latest beta version of AmigaOS 4 will of course be shown as well and will be available for visitors to have a go, along with some excellent software by 3rd party developers. We will talk about a long standing promise and last not least, we are always available for a nice chat with you to answer as many questions as we can.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Amsterdam! :-)
 Home Of AmigaOS 

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Available Before the End of 2014

Brussels, October 27, 2014

Hyperion Entertainment is pleased to announce the imminent availability of "AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition" for all supported platforms.

AmigaOS 4.1 was released in September of 2008 and has seen no less than 6 free major updates and at least 88 smaller updates released through AmiUpdate.

New functionality in AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition includes but is not limited to: 

  • Extended memory functionality (beneficial for all supported platforms even those platforms which cannot be equipped with more than 2GB)
  • Most powerful console for AmigaOS
  • New Intuition features
  • New Workbench features
  • Much improved DOS
  • New unified graphics library with RTG support which allows for (current and future) very substantial general and platform specific performance optimizations e.g. through the use of on-chip DMA engines (present on recently released hardware going back to the Sam440)
  • Updated Python port
  • Installation graphics, new icons and back-drops by Martin Merz
  • Countless minor updates, new other functionality and bug-fixes.

 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition requires NO previous version of AmigaOS 4.x and is a stand-alone product, quite possibly the most affordable version of AmigaOS ever to be released.

This now allows current users of AmigaOS 4.1 to install a complete original version of AmigaOS 4.1 without subsequently needing to download or apply 6 updates and countless minor updates.

Users are nevertheless recommended to register their copy of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition on the Hyperion Entertainment website as this will be required for downloading possible future updates and bug fixes.

An updated SDK for developers which exposes all new OS functionality to developers, is being worked on.

Hyperion Entertainment wishes to thank all those developers and contributors who have furthered AmigaOS development over the years and especially those that have worked tirelessly on delivering "AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition" to customers before the end of 2014.

Our thanks go out to all of our supporters and loyal customers who can rest assured that work on AmigaOS 4.2 is ongoing apace albeit somewhat behind schedule due to the fact that substantial time had to be allocated for supporting new upcoming exciting hardware platforms. We appreciate your support!

AmigaOS Final Edition has gone gold and is in production at this time.

Suggested retail price is 29,95 EUR (SRP includes German VAT, may vary depending on your location).


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