Hyperion Entertainment

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Hyperion Entertainment

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition available as digital download

Brussels, December 17, 2015

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is very happy to announce the immediate availability of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition for Classic for purchase as digital download.

In close cooperation with Cloanto Italia srl, well known for their Amiga Forever and C64 Forever lines of products, this is the first step and testbed for Hyperion Entertainment towards offering gradually its full line of products as digital downloads in addition to the traditional distribution of physical products through the existing dealer network.

To offer the best possible shopping experience to our customers and following the experience of our partners, Avangate was chosen as fulfillment partner to take care of the whole purchase process in the most secure manner possible and allows to offer several local payment options to customers all over the world.

Customers of the digital download version of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition for Classic get an archive containing

  • ISO9660 image of the installation media,
  • ADF image of the bootfloppy disk,
  • PDF of the DVD cover,
  • PDF of the CD label,
  • PDF of the booklet and
  • the serial number in confirmation mail,

which enables them to produce their own backup media including the official artwork*.

After successful completion of the test phase, interested dealers will be welcome to become part of the affiliate network in order to offer the available digital downloads to their respective customers directly on their website.

We all want to use this opportunity to wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year 2016. 

* reduced quality suitable for home printing equipment



AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) Release Notes and Locale Extras available

Brussels, May 17th, 2020

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) Release Notes and the Locale Extras 45.315.

AmigaOS 3.1.4 was released on 30th September 2018, its free update was released on the 8th July 2019. Since then, we have received numerous requests from users asking us to unveil the technical developer notes, also known as "Release Notes", regarding the changes involved in those AmigaOS updates.

Thanks to the efforts of the Localization team, we are happy to provide the Locale Extras 45.315 which includes localization materials for greek, polish and russian languages that require additional system setup to work.

At Hyperion, we felt we should do no less but honor our customers' pleas by making these packages available to let them gain a more in depth overview of the magnitude of changes and the amount of hard work done by the AmigaOS 3.1.4 development team that went into those releases. And as an added bonus, enable further AmigaOS support for our customers in their native languages.

We would like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude for the continued interest received regarding our AmigaOS 68k product line, which encourages us to fulfill our commitment to deliver even more exciting products which we will be proud to announce in the near future.

AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) Release Notes are available for free from our download area for any interested party. The Locale Extras 45.315 is available to registered customers.

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA wants to send kudos to the entire Amiga commmunity for making AmigaOS the success it is. Thanks guys!


Alinea Computer offers Quake 2 as a digital version for AmigaOS 4.x

Brussels – April 17, 2024

Alinea Computer has taken over the distribution of Quake 2 for AmigaOS 4. The first Amiga version of Quake 2 dates back to 2002 by Hyperion Entertainment and has been continued and greatly improved in this tradition. Steffen Häuser is responsible for the port and has implemented numerous improvements. In addition to support for various mission CDs and mods, GL4ES/Warp3DNova support and playing soundtracks as OGG Vorbis have also been implemented.

The AmigaOS 4 version is available for download from Alinea Computer.

It should be noted that to run the AmigaOS 4 version of Quake 2, the data files of the PC version are required. These can be purchased at a reasonable price, for example, via Steam. Freely available mods and mission CDs are already available on Aminet.

Features and system requirements at a glance:


  • AmigaOS 4 native version
  • GL4ES, MiniGL, and Software Renderer
  • full support for mission CDs "The Reckoning" and "Ground Zero"
  • Ports of the unofficial mission CD "Zaero" and about 50 multiplayer mods will be released soon on os4depot/Aminet, these downloads require the new version of Quake 2
  • AmigaInput support
  • CD audio works again (in the old version only compatible with older CD drives)
  • As an alternative to CD audio, Ogg Vorbis files can be played as a soundtrack, in this case, the music files from this version are preinstalled with a Steam/Gog install
  • Installer now works with both PC CD version of Quake 2 and with the Steam and Gog Classic version, using the Steam/Gog Classic installer will also install the two mission CDs. We recommend using the Steam version for easy installation.
  • As an alternative to the .cin intros, the game now also supports .avi and .mpeg files (a script to convert the .ogv files of the Steam version is included on the ISO, if you want the higher resolution video files)

System Requirements:

  • Software: AmigaOS 4.1 and the data files from Steam, Gog, or CD version.
  • Hardware: At least 150 MHz PowerPC, 32 MB RAM, Graphics card, at least
  • 1 GB of free hard disk space, A1222 is currently not supported, game can also be played on QEmu and UAE PPC

Native Developer Kit for AmigaOS 3.2 (NDK 3.2 Release 3) available for immediate download

Native Developer Kit for AmigaOS 3.2 (NDK 3.2 Release 3) available for immediate download

Brussels, June 30, 2021

Hyperion Entertainment is proud to announce another update for the Native Developer Kit for AmigaOS 3.2.

This NDK update contains further reviewed contents to ensure developers using several different compilers will be able to harness all the new features AmigaOS 3.2 brings.

This release also paves the way for a continued flow of updates to the Native Developer Kit for AmigaOS 3.2 which will also be accessible in other venues to pursue greater adoption and wider availability.

Hyperion is committed to AmigaOS development support, so stay tuned for further NDK updates!

AmigaOS NDK 3.2 R3 is available for free from our download area for any interested party.

We thank all of you who have rushed Amiga dealers worldwide to get their hands on a copy of AmigaOS 3.2.

If you want to support our efforts further, please head over to our AmigaOS merchandise store.



AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SDK available for download

Brussels, August 30, 2015

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to release the Software Development Kit (SDK) for the hugely successful AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.

This SDK enables third party developers to access all the enhancements and new features added in AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition including:

  • New components such as btree.library, diffview.gadget, diskio.library and z.library.
  • Unified graphics.library API with built-in RTG support as the original Amiga designers intended.
  • Access to the new composited video feature.
  • Extended memory which goes beyond the 4 GB memory barrier.
  • New Unicode functions for handling UCS-4 and UTF-8 sequences.
  • Next generation menu system in intuition.library via menuclass.
  • Improved dos.library API.
  • Extended and improved console.device API.

Additions and updates to the SDK itself include:

  • Updated standard tools like autodoc, CatComp and grep.
  • New FSTest and FSVPTool file system development tools.
  • Updated clib2 alternative C standard library.
  • MUI 4 SDK.
  • Massively updated and improved perl 5 install.
  • AutoDocViewer included.
  • Updated MiniGL SDK for 3D applications.

Full autodocs and includes are, as always, included in the SDK along with some example code to get you going. All other developer and user documentation is available on the AmigaOS Documentation Wiki where you can create your own ROM Kernel Reference Manuals utilizing the familiar interface used by the mighty Wikipedia. Best effort technical support for the SDK is also available via Hyperion's support forum.

This SDK will be the minimum required to attend the upcoming Amiga DevCon 2015 in Sacramento, California, USA. The Amiga DevCon will include tutorials on how to use the new menuclass, composited video, extended memory, new console.device and more. Keep an eye on the AmiWest blog for the latest Amiga DevCon information.


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